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Here is the list of all vehicles with this feature : JATO thrusters
Who needs a super car? Who needs to throw their cash at the finest leather upholstery, godly specs and a body so seductive Aphrodite herself would ... Read more
Ah, the late 60s, when utility was cool and this thing was affordable. You could never tell if the back contained a hemp-covered den of equality an... Read more
Blurring the lines between an automobile and an English aristocrat's mansion, this is a car that could even give a nu-metal fan an air of class and... Read more
After a day of synergizing teleconferences in your underwear, nothing provides an escape like the Tailgater S. Go to the right auto shop and you'll... Read more
As the pilot of a Western Seabreeze, you'll have to get used to a lot of attention. Onlookers will marvel that an amphibious aircraft can look so s... Read more
Can you believe something this beautiful was once built and sold for nothing more than Joe Lunchbucket's paycheck? Sure, the Seventies were a crazy... Read more
Something made in America that can still take on the Asian imports? Yes, the Coquette has withstood the test of time and, with this new model, Inve... Read more
Here you are again, stuck in the commute, bricked in with all the other SUVs. How much time have you spent here? Weeks? Months? Years? Screw it. St... Read more