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Here is the list of the vehicles added in the update "Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2" in 2015.
In the world of tactical air support, bigger is better, right? Wrong. Consider this. The next time one of your legitimate business associates arran... Read more
After hours of crate digging, you know when they've found the perfect sample to butcher on your latest EDM track. This is that record. Remix cultur... Read more
There are two kinds of people in the point one percent. There's the balding stock analyst with pituitary issues, staring out the window of his comf... Read more
Just when you thought pickup trucks couldn't get any more hillbilly, someone put a big ol' gun on the back of one. Celebrate your right to bear arm... Read more
It takes a brave man to look beyond the immense weight and astonishingly poor aerodynamics of this monument to the nuclear family. It takes a visio... Read more
Who can say when the innovative hot rod designs of the 30s and 40s shaded into the grungy rat rod counterculture of subsequent decades? And who can... Read more
You always wanted one of these when in high school - and now you can have the car that tells everyone yes, these are implants - on your head and in... Read more
There aren't many who've pushed a Hakuchou Drag to the limits of its performance, but you can tell when you meet one: the thousand mile stare, the ... Read more