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Here is the list of all vehicles with this feature : Parachute equipped
Don't worry, the confusion is natural. You see that running board swooping low over the front wheels, that high-set radiator grille, the holder for... Read more
Whether you're planning a game of tennis, an orgy, a (literal) bloodbath or all of the above, there's ample room for it behind the tinted, sound-pr... Read more
Promoted by Karin as an "attainable luxury vehicle", the Asterope is the perfect car for the middle manager who knows deep down he'll never be a se... Read more
Never start a cataclysmic resource war without one.... Read more
An Italian that is rough around the edges but smooth where it counts and plenty of gas in the tank to go the extra mile with sexual analogies.... Read more
Bored during rush hour? Need to make an impression when a dictator is in town? Sick of having to choose between the comfort and status of a limousi... Read more
Is there a more iconic and uncomfortable 4WD on the market? Every 17-year-old girl wants to lease a Canis on spring break, which is why the Mesa co... Read more
The act of launching yourself off a fat dirt jump, achieving a torrential climax using nothing more than your powerfully throbbing saddle, and then... Read more