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Here is the list of all vehicles with this feature : Missile Barrage
The perfect car to go with your flesh tunnel earrings, frosted spikes, and oversize jeans. Buy this and you'll never fail to be mistaken for a smal... Read more
Boys love trucks, as do dogs, though we don't recommend you put your boy or your dog in the back of this baby when ripping through pristine environ... Read more
This isn't some jumped up vintage throwback. This is what would have happened if the classic designers of the 1960s had stayed in production, hemor... Read more
A favorite in Mirror Park, this sporty little guy is easy to park. Great handling, anti-lock brakes, and a stereo that only plays power pop hits. I... Read more
Can you believe something this beautiful was once built and sold for nothing more than Joe Lunchbucket's paycheck? Sure, the Seventies were a crazy... Read more
What's waiting inside this transporter? An expertly trained spec ops force? A yard-deep wall of primed sticky bombs? A mountain of product and a do... Read more
This is it. The very pinnacle of human ingenuity. Centuries of innovation, strides in engineering, architecture, and masturbation, have all come to... Read more
The future is here, and it has gull-wing doors. Never again must you choose between the drama of the open road and the majesty of flight. Never aga... Read more