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Vehicles that have a design similar to the Tesla Model S in Grand Theft Auto Online.
You could scarcely cross the street without getting mown down by a soccer mom or drug dealer in one of these during the early 2000s. The glory days... Read more
60 tons of fun. A heavily-armored battle tank with a 1,500hp turbine engine and a 120mm cannon, the Rhino delivers a hell of a lot of bang for your... Read more
Whether you're planning a game of tennis, an orgy, a (literal) bloodbath or all of the above, there's ample room for it behind the tinted, sound-pr... Read more
Experts agree the world is ending. And other experts agree that the only thing you can do about it is get online and fine tune your consumer choice... Read more
What is a car for, if it's not for getting from A to B? And what's the point of A and B, if they're not a quarter of a mile apart on a flat surface... Read more
A two-bladed, twin-engine helicopter, the Maverick was manufactured in Canada, but you shouldn't let that put you off. Originally designed for mili... Read more
Due to a recent spate of accidents involving this model, Vapid wants to remind any potential buyers that a common side effect of driving the Slamtr... Read more
Here you are again, stuck in the commute, bricked in with all the other SUVs. How much time have you spent here? Weeks? Months? Years? Screw it. St... Read more