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Here is the list of all vehicles with this feature : KERS Boost
Ah, the late 60s, when utility was cool and this thing was affordable. You could never tell if the back contained a hemp-covered den of equality an... Read more
Born in the fires of Mt. Fuji and tested on some German toll road, you can finally legally own this legendary supercar slayer without the fear of h... Read more
Who doesn't want their own limousine? Possibly the least practical car for navigating a gridlocked urban metropolis but, slap a stripper pole and a... Read more
Winner of multiple industry awards including 'Most Powerful in Class,' 'Worst Handling' and 'Biggest Fireball' the Declasse Tampa brings the effort... Read more
Sure, you could afford the latest Ocelot, or a vintage Enus - but you're not a show-off. You're just a slightly quirky, totally down-to-earth perso... Read more
This Stirling GT is a landmark of Germany's proud history of helping flabby, self-loathing businessmen pretend they're Grand Prix drivers... for tw... Read more
A lot of things become clear while you're in the cockpit of a Volatol. As you glide along in the blissful quiet of high-altitude flight, you find y... Read more
At some point, asking "So how fast is it?" is like asking the guy who just put his fist through your ribs "So how strong are you?" It's not about t... Read more