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Vehicles that have a design similar to the Ferrari California in Grand Theft Auto Online.
The legendary Swedish four door sedan. All the boxy design of a 1980s Vulcar, with none of the reliability. For lovers of tight jeans, micro brewer... Read more
You won't worry about trashing this all-terrain pick-up truck - it's pretty much trashed already. At this price, just be grateful that the brakes w... Read more
There's a very sound reason we don't strap space shuttle parts onto sports cars. But no one in the boardroom at Coil knew what that reason was, so ... Read more
One driver, two seats, three wheels, a straight four under the hood, and five minutes before you're upside down on the freeway wondering how any of... Read more
Too extra for the classics? More over-the-top than underground? Forget trying to find that scrapyard bucket and make the only first impression that... Read more
Recently acquired in a Fort Zancudo yard sale, all our APCs come direct from active service. Equipped with a turret-mounted cannon and portholes fo... Read more
We know what you're thinking. Another mid-seventies brick. But think about it for a moment. A brick is only slow if you don't throw it right. And d... Read more
Whether you're planning a game of tennis, an orgy, a (literal) bloodbath or all of the above, there's ample room for it behind the tinted, sound-pr... Read more