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Here is the list of the vehicles added in the update "Beach Bum" in 2013.
Poised delicately between BAWSAQ chic and bone-crunching utility, the Benefactor XLS is every car to everyone. Whether you're attending a board mee... Read more
Every trucker's been there: you've held down your air horn for ten minutes straight, and still the solar-powered eco-cart in front of you is sticki... Read more
When they call them 'organ donors', they aren't thinking of motorbikes that'll go so fast you'll be liquidated when you hit a wall. Live fast, die ... Read more
A fresh hole in the ozone layer with every purchase!... Read more
What do a 23rd Century hypercar and a family-friendly SUV have in common? More than you might think. They both turn you into a leadfooted, tailgati... Read more
One of the best-selling mid-size crossovers on the market today. Enjoy the feel and functionality of an SUV without everybody berating you about yo... Read more
It's better looking than you. It can fire machine guns and rocket launchers more accurately than you. It can jump higher than you and it's always g... Read more
Lithe, focused, aggressive: if you've ever made passionate love to an angry jungle cat, you'll have an inkling of what it's like to take Progen's n... Read more